Coaching or Mentoring: Arming Leaders with the Support They Need

The following article was originally published by Sounding Board Co-Founder and Chief Coaching Officer, Lori Mazan on LinkedIn.

My first coach was hired for me before I knew anything about coaching. Because I was constantly upsetting the status quo, my bosses couldn’t figure out what to do with me. I seemed to break all the rules put in front of me, and when my mentors at the time tried to provide me with a one-size fits all solution to my problems, I could never get excited about executing on their suggestions.

But my coach was different. My coach asked me powerful questions, waited to hear what I thought the solutions was, then dared me to go out and do that thing, even if it had never been done before. When I shared with her that I had a fear of public speaking and standing in front of the room, she forced me to grow and take responsibility for my own experiment to get over my fear, trying out different tactics until I landed on something that worked.

In this way, I blazed through the upper limit of what I (and my mentors) thought was possible, reaching new heights while inventing a new set of rules.

Mentoring and coaching are not the same, though they can be frequently confused by managers and HR in companies today. Each has its unique place supporting leaders and it is important to draw a clear difference between the two.

Mentors primarily help by sharing their past experience – what worked and what didn’t – to inform decisions today. When you work with a mentor, you are likely benefiting from the wisdom of someone who has gone before you and will tell you what they did to succeed.

The problem is, leaders today are increasingly navigating uncharted territory. By 2020, it’s estimated that 1.7MB of data will be created every second for every person on earth. Imagine that: With so much data at our finger tips, global companies are now facing unprecedented challenges while asked to solve for some of the world’s most complex problems. Most of the experts or mentors we would look to for guidance simply haven’t been up against these challenges.

In other words, what got us here won’t get us there.

Enter coaching. The coach’s primary job is to help the leader find a way to be the most productive, highest-potential version of themselves. In whatever sector or business, the goal is the same: Arm the leader with vital, cross-situational skills to activate their full potential and help them perform no matter what challenges come their way.

Coaching is about up-leveling the person and their thinking, not fixing the problem.

Eric Schmidt, when describing Bill Campbell – one of Silicon Valley’s most famous coaches – in his book Trillion Dollar Coach said: “Bill didn’t work the problem first, he worked the team. We didn’t talk about the problem analytically. We talked about the people on the team and if they could get it done.”

Great leaders need both mentors and coaches. Mentors will tell you what worked for them. Coaches will develop your thinking and help you get to the next level of leadership. A coach will challenge you to get clear about what works for your current environment, and a mentor will tell you about what worked in the past, or in similar situations.

Read the full article on LinkedIn.

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