We asked our Coaches “What are the most important Leadership Capabilities?” Pt.2 – June 2021 Coaches Corner

We asked our Coaches “What are the most important Leadership Capabilities?” Here's what they had to say:

“Coaches Corner” shares perspectives from Sounding Board’s global network of coaches on trending and relevant topics, as explored through our leadership capabilities coaching model. Missed the May 2021 Coaches Corner? Click here.

We asked our Coaches "What are the most important Leadership Capabilities?" Pt.2 - June 2021 Coaches Corner 1
Leadership Capability: Influencing Others

“High-performing teams rely on people who know how to influence because they take charge, speak up and make sure others are heard. Influencing others is all about being able to connect, making sure people feel understood and listened too. Influencing is the ability to have an important effect on something or someone. The skill to influence requires Emotional Intelligence. It’s an artform. Knowing when to step in and knowing when to step back. Influencing others is one of the key leadership skills to master as this will impact if the boat goes faster in a supportive, connecting way.”

- Nathalie A., The Netherlands

We asked our Coaches "What are the most important Leadership Capabilities?" Pt.2 - June 2021 Coaches Corner 2
Leadership Capability: Self Awareness

"Being self-aware prevents unnecessary and unpleasant surprises in your relationships in and outside of work. How does one become more self-aware? Take an inventory of your needs, motivations, values, talents, emotional state, as well as the energy you have to give to others and to be resilient. Examine your experiences and assumptions. How have they shaped your perspective? Find ways to cultivate your capabilities and learn new ones. Reflect daily. Be more conscientious of your behavior and in doing so, become more intentional."

- Karen J.M., California

We asked our Coaches "What are the most important Leadership Capabilities?" Pt.2 - June 2021 Coaches Corner 3
Leadership Capability: Communication

“The work of a leader never speaks for itself. Your boss and your colleagues are too busy with their own priorities to recognize how you’re carrying out your role. Your career trajectory and performance evaluations, and the reputation of your team, all depend on effective internal communication. This can be a challenge for introverts, for those who prefer to simply keep their heads down and do the work, or for those whose identities don't match the dominant identity of the group. Good news: it's absolutely possible to strengthen your communication muscles without trying to become someone else or coming across as inauthentic.”

- Alan H., Maryland

We asked our Coaches "What are the most important Leadership Capabilities?" Pt.2 - June 2021 Coaches Corner 4
Leadership Capability: Conflict Resolution

"Conflict is a wonderful signal to start an inquiry into our sense of truth about anything that we were holding as a solid ground. It may be uncomfortable as it is often associated with strong emotions and holding oneself might be challenging. However, conflict management resolution is about finding a way forward out of the tensions while integrating them as a doorway to go beyond our current thinking, grasp more nuances and to tap into creativity and aliveness to handle more complexity."

- Sylvie F., France

Richard Nash
Leadership Capability: Managing Change

"In a way, you don’t manage change. Change is the weather, you don’t get to control it, but you also don’t let it dictate how you respond to it. You surf change. Some days, you surf it brilliantly. Other days, you wipe out. Whichever happens, the next day you paddle back out, and you do it again. Now, that’s the change that comes from without. In another way, you can manage change, that’s the change that comes from within. You achieve change."

- Richard N., New York

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